Oh, it's a Murder of Crows!
Welcome to my site!
Hello, I'm Crows! I'm that weird queer, alterhuman, and plural freak that you were probably warned about. Welcome to my webpage... and not just any webpage, but babies first webpage! (dramatic fanfare)
First things first: I am literally a both a robot and a crow. Actually, I'm a Murder of Crows. Plural. Because there's multiple people in my head. Everyone in our system is nonhuman in someway, and we don't shut up about this! One day there will be a fun page explaining our alterhumanity and plurality in fun details... but I haven't coded it yet. Pretend it exists and there's a fun link to it here
I'm also very much queer! I am aromantic (+ asexual, although I don't really use this label), along with transmasculine, genderqueer, and agender. Yes, at the same time. I'm also autistic, and this influences my identity (autigender). Also, again the many people in this head do have different identities! Man, that system page would be handy right now...
Also I am physically disabled, and this affects my ability to update this site. So, it may be slow going shaping this place! Be paitient please! Also if anything on here is misspelled blame the dyslexia thanks.
Uh. What else.
Do you guys want to see a crow?
Ha. Tricked you!
There's TWO crows actually.
(P.S. Yes I know my URL is actually Hoarde of Crows. Murder of Crows is usually taken everywhere 😔)